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Healthier Homemade

nutrition program for dogs

precision nutrition matters

Dog owner and her sick dog, they are touching heads in sadness.

Diabetes in Dogs

Integrating Custom Recipes into Medical Programs for Dogs with Diabetes:


What We Know about Diabetes 

Diabetes in dogs is caused by a lack of insulin production in the pancreas combined with a decreased response of body cells to insulin. Insulin allows body cells to absorb sugar from the blood which the cells use as an energy source for cell activity.

The inability to absorb sugar from the blood causes very high levels of sugar to accumulate in the blood and is responsible for all of the symptoms like:

·        Increased water consumption

·        Increased urination

·        Cataracts

And worse case:

·        Acidosis

·        Liver and kidney disease


Which Ingredients Matter 

Weight loss is also common as these patients are literally “starving at a banquet.” Diets that are low or contain no carbohydrates (sugar) help with blood sugar regulation.

Our recipes for diabetes have a calorie distribution of - Protein 52%; Fat 38%; Carbohydrates 10%, which is considered favorable for diabetes patients, meaning that it consists more of protein-rich sources (primarily meat) and has fewer or no carbohydrates (sugar).

These Ultra-High Protein recipes are appropriate for adult dogs, but they are NOT formulated for puppies.


More than Just Diet 

Your dog’s diet is only one tool for diabetes management, it is not a substitute for a comprehensive veterinary treatment program. A comprehensive treatment program includes twice daily insulin injections.

Unfortunately, there are no oral alternative treatments for sugar regulation.

Expecting dramatic results with just a diet change is unrealistic and may delay important treatments. Frequent veterinary lab monitoring, weight management, and strict nutritional guidance are also important parts of a treatment plan.


What You Can Do

It is best to avoid commercial dog treats, if any treats are used, they should be all meat. Do not include any treats that have carbohydrates.


What to Expect

Often the onset of diabetes in older patients is due to an undiagnosed underlying condition. Frequent veterinary exams and monitoring can discover these problems sooner for a speedier intervention.


Don’t Use this Recipe If 

If your dog has other conditions needing conflicting dietary restrictions  (kidney disease, urinary stones, liver shunts, inflammatory disease/chronic enteropathy, and short bowel syndrome) Healthier Homemade recipes for diabetes may not be appropriate.

This is one of the things we will verify with your veterinarian, before beginning to formulate your recipe.


Is it Balanced and Complete?

All Healthier Homemade recipes for diabetes exceed the AAFCO and NRC daily nutrient requirements.  All meat or ultra-high meat diets are very low in fiber, which is important for optimum intestinal health so our recipes for diabetes include water-soluble psyllium husk fiber. This type of fiber promotes “good bacteria” growth in the intestine to promote intestinal health.


Each Healthier Homemade Starter Kit includes a nutrition data fact sheet, so you and your veterinarian can see that all of the 42 daily essential nutrients exceed 100% of AAFCO and NRC levels in meals prepared with our recipes, when used as directed.

Commercial prescription diets, especially kibble, may be unappealing. Freshly cooked meals make a difference!


Click here to learn about recipe programs that are available for dogs suffering from Diabetes.

Dr Ken Tudor, veterinarian who created Hearthstone Homemade


Founder of Healthier Homemade for Dogs

Dr. Ken Tudor is a recognized expert and leader in the field of pet nutrition and fitness. In addition to co-founding a national campaign to help fight dog obesity, he developed a pet weight management program and served on the American Animal Hospital Association task force to develop their Weight Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats.